lørdag den 28. november 2009

Verdens hårdeste Ironman

...udtaget til verdens hårdeste Ironman :o)

650 personer fra hele verdenen har ansøgt om et startnummer.
Kun 200 er udtaget. Deraf to fra Danmark.
Den anden er min klubkammeret Karsten Lund Andresen.
Vi vandt guld sammen ved DM 100 km. løb for hold.
Et par link fra tidligere års Norseman:
Norseman 2009 Recap
Norseman 2009 New Edit
Billeder 2009
Flere billeder

About Norseman Xtreme Triathlon
Norseman is the world’s toughest ironman-distance triathlon. It is also the most northern, taking place at the same latitude as Anchorage in Alaska. The race is a travel through some of the most beautiful parts of Norway. It is not a normal circuit-race as it starts in a fjord and finishes at mountain Gaustatoppen at 1,850 meters above sea level. Total ascent is 5,000 meters. The water temperature is normally about 15.5 degrees C, and the air temperature normally ranges from 6 to 28 degrees C through the race day. About 75 percent of the participants are expected to make the cut off and finish at the top of the mountain. The others are allowed to finish at the mountain plateau.
The race is limited to only 200 competitors. The competitors need to bring their own support. Normally about 40% of the participants are non-Norwegians and about 15% are female. The prize to the winner is the same as to the last to finish at the top of the mountain; a fabulous black t-shirt. Norseman is the race any hard core triathlete should do once in a lifetime.
The male record holder is Bjorn Andersson (Sweden). He hit a snowstorm at mountain Gaustatoppen, but still finished at 10 hours and 30 minutes in 2005.

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